TrueNet Cloud Backup using Veeam Cloud Connect
Backing up data is a fundamental business need. However, a good backup strategy is required to ensure complete data availability and recovery. The 3-2-1 rule has become a solid plan for data protection and includes:
3 ~ Have at least THREE copies of your data.
2 ~ Store the copies on TWO different media.
1 ~ Keep ONE backup copy offsite.
Securely and reliably store your VMware and Hyper-V backups in the cloud using TrueNet Veeam Cloud Connect.
Looking for Veeam Replication for Disaster Recovery - Check out our Colocation and Dedicated servers
TrueNet and Veeam Cloud Connect Offsite Data Backup
No setup fees and no long term contracts.
Per Gig pricing and virtually no limit on the amount of storage.
No tapes to transport and no infrastructure to maintain.
Privately owned data center allows for fast onsite seeding and data recovery.
Run backups on your schedule and continuously copy them to the cloud.
Single end-to-end SSL encryption with no need for VPN tunnels.
Granular restoration to recover VM’s or individual files anytime.
WAN acceleration provides faster backup with less bandwidth consumption.
How it Works